Beam6x Wind sciences

The leading six-beam fixed-LiDAR offering on the market. With five inclined rays and one vertical ray, the Halo Photonics by Lumibird Streamline Beam 6x Wind sciences offers full-area data coverage up to 1000 m. It features an outstanding data availability with a high resolution of 190 gates.
- 5-beam + 1 vertical, allowing additional processing
- Range: 40 m to 1000 m
- Heights: 190, at 2.6 m intervals
- Output: Raw line of sight data (radial velocity and SNR), processed wind speed and direction, 10-minute average with filtering
- Can be deployed in ambient operating temperatures of -20°C to 45°C
- Weight: 60kg
- Dimensions (L x W x H): 87 cm x 74 cm x 84cm

- Scan configuration options:Conventional VAD
- VAD + vertical
- Tip/tilt logged for each ray
- Includes a vertical beam
- Overlapping and range gate flexibility with 6 beams: 5 inclined beams at 60° elevation + 1 vertical